
November 16th, 2020 by Leah Grange
Timer 3 minute read

I suppose this is a little story time blog, something to remind me just how far I’ve come on a personal level, with horses by my side every step of the way. The reality is that horses have dug me out of some real low points in my life. Every drama, any major life event. When things have gone wrong, when things have gone right, horses have been there. Cols will get his own little insta post but he’s not the only one who’s had an impact.

Where did it all start?

I started my love of horses around the age of 13 working weekends at a riding school. The first pony I ever rode was called ‘Ozzie’ he started this obsession. I would do anything muck out 50 horses, fill Hay nets and any other job in the hope there would be space for me to get a ride. The first few years of my equestrian life was simple, fun and full of learning. My personal life was that of a 13 year old girl back then, school in the week followed, playing ponies all weekend. When I was 15 I was involved in a horrible car crash. I’ve talked about this before in my very important message blog and on socials. I stood and watched my friend get killed by a drunk driver. My whole life a is knew it had been torn apart. I was numb.

Here came the horses, the next day I was whisked off to the stables to ‘get her out of the house’. I was popped onto a horse and sent off into the woods to relax. I cried, I cried into that horses neck so har it was the release I needed. It was the start of a grieving process helped along by having a loyal fluffy friend to listen. For the months and years that came after, going to court, the random sadness, exams to sit, I always had a horse in my company.


Whisper was my first horse of my own, I was gifted him. HAHA #GIFTED 😂 Sorry that’s immature of me. He was an ex whips hunt horse with an explosive brain who never took a step of walk from the second he left the yard until he got back but he taught me so many life lessons. I was taught patience. He taught me how to laugh when the going was tough or when you’re bouncing sideways up the road with a huge que of traffic behind you. He taught me to hold on tight when I fell off or running through the village after him would be the result and he taught me to sit on the back of a bomb about to go off.

Leo – The Cow Pony

On my 21st birthday came this absolute HUNK of a horse. The horse I thought was going to be my horse of a lifetime. In many ways he was. He was a skinny little weed who blossomed into the most beautiful swan. Now Leo saw me through a move to England from Wales, a Marriage, a Divorce, a Breakdown and a complete mess of a year. He still licked my face when I went to see him. He still let me lay on the stable floor with him. Still shouted when I arrived with his dinner and still showed me undeniable love when I was at my least able to point to give him love back. I had some of my best riding highs and lows with Cow Pony. Now for one reason or another I had to sell Leo, my heart broke for another time but this time he didn’t have to watch.

….Now we have Cols

What a cracker he is, he is getting the best of me. I’m in the best place I’ve been mentally for years. Im happy, settled and a whole other person. We all know 2020 has been a ridiculous year but never have I appreciated a horse more. with all the lockdowns it would have been easy to recoil myself, sit at home and wallow but Cols changed that. I had reason together out of bed in the morning and make a positive change to this life. Having Cols has gives me a huge sense of achievement whilst keeping me grounded.

Theres been other horses dabbed in between but these three guys have been the most significant. For me horses are my happy place, my reason to leave the house, to get outside and experience the great outdoors. They are my best friend my therapy. Having horses is what makes me, ME. I wouldn’t be the same without them and for that I am eternally grateful.

So if you do one thing tonight, hug your horse a little tighter, he probably does more for you than you realise.
Love Always Leah and Cols

That best bond ❤️ Cow Pony
Jenny – Ex racer
Sambo ❤️
Cow ❤️

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